Escape Triptych: Classic Escape, Renaissance Escape, Cubist Escape – 456 x 213 cm, 15’ x 7’ - 2013
The Debate of Seven Brothers: 400 x 200 cm, 13’2’’ x 6’7’’ – 2015
Three Faces of Goddess Love: Work in progress, 456 x 213 cm, 15' x 7' - 2017
Cocoon: Work in progress, 168x112cm, 66"x44" - 2016
Sunset in the Valley of High Aspirations: Work in progress, 213x152cm, 7'x5' - 2016
Fantasies of an Art Lover: The Kiss: 229x102cm, 90"x40" - 2017
Fantasies of an Art Lover: Eternal: 229x102cm, 90"x40" - 2017